The Top 10 Reasons to Attend a Backyard Composting Seminar are...
10) They teach you how easy it is to compost
9) You feel guilty adding more to the landfill when it can
be made into something great for your soil
8) You have tried to compost and you can’t figure out why it
isn’t working
7) You really just want that kitchen collector to adorn your
counter top
6) The handy compost guide is the perfect 10 minute read
5) Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District is a
leader in the State in educating people to reduce waste
4) Your plants will thank you for it
3) Our clay soil needs this organic matter
2) You want to be part of the exclusive set proudly sporting
an “I ♥ Compost” bumper
1) No matter how dedicated you are to zero
waste, you just can’t bear to eat the skin of a kiwiFor more information and to register click here .
submitted by guest blogger, Jenny
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