Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Children’s Books to Spark Composting Curiosity

Guest blogger Angela Rivera

As parents, grandparents, teachers, and neighbors, we hope the children in our lives carry on some of the habits we teach them growing up. Composting is no exception. In today’s blog I suggest three books to share with your young ones to inspire passion about, and get them helping with, composting! All three of these books are available at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County.

The Little Composter by Jan Gerardi (2010) is a great resource to engage your toddler. With flipbook pages that allow for even the youngest child to partake in the book, this book reviews a few of the items we can put in the compost bin. And for those kids beginning to read, the story is written in rhyme! Although simple, if you remember back when you first started to learn about composting, answering “what should go in the bin?” was where we all began!

Compost Stew: an A to Z Recipe for the Earth by Mary Mckenna Siddals (2010) makes an excellent book that lists items we can compost for each letter of the alphabet. The reading level is for upper elementary, but the content is aimed at younger elementary aged children, making it a great read-aloud story! With this book, you can encourage children to take responsibility for where they should put their food scraps.

Garbage Helps our Garden Grow: A Compost Story by Linda Glaser (2010) follows a group of children on their composting endeavor. The book explains how composting can divert organic material from the garbage and make something useful out of it. This is a great nonfiction text that demonstrates for your child not only what goes in our compost bin/site, but explains the entire process of how to make compost and what we can do with it!  This book is intended for upper elementary age students.

As you embark on your summer of composting, get youth involved! They are our future composters after all!

Did we miss your favorite children’s composting book? Leave the title and author in the comments. Be on the lookout this fall for a blog post about great composting books for adults! 


  1. I love Compost Stew! I buy it for all my friends to get their little ones started on their compost journey. Such beautiful pictures to go along with all of the great information.

  2. Rot on, Angela! I'm delighted to discover my COMPOST STEW worming its way into this lovely little batch of books, and thank you so much for including it! Likewise, a heap of thanks to you, too, Gwen, for your kind words and enthusiasm! I looking forward to sharing this post on the FB page for the book, and hope everyone will dig in... and enjoy!

    1. Thanks for writing such an inspiring book, Mary! We look forward to seeing the post on Facebook (can you tag the Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District?). :)

    2. Mary, I loved the book! It's a great format for children to learn to read, write, and compost! Thanks for sharing the blog.

  3. Thanks! I just ordered Compost Stew for my niece.

    1. Yay, thanks for spreading the compost love!
