Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Happy 10 Year Blogiversary!

Yes, that is a thing.

We’ve reached double digits, y’all! Ten years ago we embarked on a great composting journey together, picking up composting lovers along the way. Maybe you have only been reading for a few months or maybe you stuck around for the whole decade but we want to give a big shout out to you.


Without you reading, it would be just us amusing ourselves with bad composting puns. And that’s just biodegrading.

As a way to thank you, we are giving away I ❤ Compost bumper magnets! Just send me an email  before the end of the year (12/31/19) with your address and we will mail one off to you (Hamilton County, Ohio residents only- sorry).

To celebrate the last 10 years, I wanted to share our top ten posts of all time and how many views they have received. They are mostly from the first few years which makes sense since those posts have had more time to collect web traffic.

10. Zen and the Art of Balancing Compost, 2010: 2,396 views

9. Can You Compost Wine Corks?, 2011: 3,473 views

8. The Lowdown on Compost Tumblers, 2013: 7,045 views

6. When Composting is the (Fruit) Pits, 2012: 19,543 views

4. Can You Compost Paper Towels? 2017: 21,458 views

1. Can You Compost Bread? 2013: 65,163 views

Since the beginning of the blog, we have received 601,044 page views. WOW, that’s a lot of compost loving. Hopefully we can keep it up for another 10 years.

Keep on composting!

Was this the cheesiest clip art I could find in 30 seconds? Yes, yes it was.

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