Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Composting is Truly a Tale as Old as Time

Some things never change or, at least, composting hasn’t. Turns out us composters are following in the footsteps of ancient farmers who understood the benefits of adding organic waste to their crops. To get an idea of just how far back it goes, here are a few facts about composting around the world in the olden days:

  • The use of animal waste as fertilizer in Scotland dates as far back as the Stone Age.
  • The first written record of composting can be found on clay tablets from the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia around 2,000 BCE.
  • Ancient Mediterranean civilizations were known to compost agricultural scraps.
  • The Aztecs used human feces and guano to fertilize their island farms, or Chinampas (check out the image below).
  • Chinese farmers historically used “night soil” (human feces collected at night) on their farms.
  • Native Americans wrapped seeds in fish pieces to add nutrients.
  • George Washington built the USA’s first composting bin (read more here).

As you can see, composting is as old as, well, dirt, and is pretty much ubiquitous. However, you’ll also notice that the ancients primarily composted nitrogen-rich human and animal waste. We now know that a 1/3 green to 2/3 brown ratio is ideal for your compost bin, so don’t get too old school with your composting. Make sure you have enough carbon-rich materials like leaves and paper, and refrain from composting dog and cat poop (and human poop, for that matter). For the complete do's and don’ts of composting animal waste, see this post

In conclusion, the next time you’re turning your compost pile, remember all the composting pioneers of the past, and let’s be especially grateful to Cleopatra, who loved vermicomposting so much that she made the killing of earthworms punishable by death. Keep up the noble work, composters!

Guest blogger and infrequent history nerd: Abigail Miller

Monday, June 5, 2023

Composting Algae: Slimy and Surprising Solutions

Do you have a pond or aquarium at home? I don’t know about you, but the only pets I was allowed to have as a kid were fish and the occasional frog. These aquatic critters were pretty low maintenance, but I did have to clean algae out of their tanks from time to time. What I didn’t know back then was that algae are compostable! Due to their high nitrogen content, algae are a perfect addition to the “green” layer of your compost bin.

So, to all of you with fishy friends, you can compost your excess algae and old aquarium plants. For the pond-owners out there, feel free to skim the top of your pond, drain the excess water, and put the scum in your compost pile.

Right now you might be thinking, “hold on, I put chemicals in my fish tank and pond. Surely that can’t be safe to compost!” Well, if you’re like most fish owners, the only chemical you add is a water conditioner, which is simply used to remove chlorine and heavy metals from the water. If this is the case, algae and plants from your tank/pond are totally safe to compost. However, it would be best to check what water chemicals you’re using, just to be sure.

Make sure to balance the wet, high-nitrogen algae with a dry, carbon rich material like leaves so the pile doesn’t start to smell.

Happy composting, my fair fishy friends!

Guest blogger and part-time mermaid: Abigail Miller